Ongoing Evidence, One Religion
In a chaotic world, warning signs are visible
40 witnessed events and phenomena
What's next?
What's required of us?
A life without God?
Opposing views on Christianity, without footing
Seven books, blinders are off, I can see!
Jesus, Who is He?
Saints, any good books about saints?
Do we know more about the Passion of Christ?
Contrition: Is confession necessary?
Incorruptible bodies: an ongoing miracle?
Mary’s apparitions: are they all over the world?
Through prayer, how can I improve my religious path?
Why are Jewish feasts related to Christianity?
Is the Eucharist sacrament real?
Idolatry in the 21st century
Saint levitation and bilocation
Relics you will discover in your readings
Evil distortions, does evil exist?
Weeding out Emmerich’s visions to harvest the good
Spiritual warfare: what is it?
The consequences of misleading subtleties
Do we have any resources for marriage and sex?
How do I best describe Jesus’ love?
Israel trip and Jesus' sites
What we are missing from the Roman Catholic Mass
Divisions in the Christian Church and Purgatory
The Bible is Truth, better understood in the correct context
The Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican II reform
Are we running out of time?
Miscellaneous topics
When ‘life’ is in the way
Our Modern View of Religion
Natural laws will never explain Faith
Faith and Justification by the Holy Spirit
Resurrection explained
Incarnation of God
Old Testament references to Jesus Christ
Stations of the Cross
What should I be doing right now?
About the author
Stations of the Cross
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What do those 14 stations convey to us in our own lives? A different viewpoint...
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