Eucharist sacrament, is it real?

The Eucharistic miracle video on this site and Saint Faustina's visions of the Holy Eucharist give more insight into this mystery.

Book: The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth by Hahn, Scott

Book: 7 Secrets of the Eucharist by Flynn, Vinny

Saint Thomas Aquinas in 1250 said,

For since the way in which Christ is in this sacrament (Holy Eucharist) is entirely supernatural, it is visible in itself to a supernatural, i.e. the Divine, intellect, and consequently to a beatified intellect, of angel or of man, which, through the participated glory of the Divine intellect, sees all supernatural things in the vision of the Divine Essence. But it can be seen by a wayfarer through faith alone, like other supernatural things.

Jesus explained to a priest Benedict Monk, in 2010, about the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Eucharistic adoration),

Suffering and adoration are two expressions of the love that I desire to see burning in your heart. Suffer in love for Me, and adore Me out of love. It is love that gives suffering its value in My eyes and in the eyes of My Father, and it is love that makes adoration worthy of Me and pleasing to My Heart. This is your vocation: to suffer and to adore, always in love. The love that reaches Me through suffering is a source of graces for the whole Church. The adoration offered Me out of love consoles My Eucharistic Heart and wins an immense outpouring of graces for the sanctification of My beloved priests... You pleased Me by praying the Chaplet of Reparation.

Book: In Sinu Jesu: When Heart Speaks to Heart - The Journal of a Priest at Prayer by A Benedictine Monk

Book: Visits to Jesus in the Tabernacle: Hours and Half-Hours of Adoration Before the Blessed Sacrament by Rev F X Lasance.

 Spiritual Communion is a prayer available to everybody, yes everybody, no matter where they are in their lives. It is a most beneficial practice. 

Book: Catholic Spiritual Mass and Spiritual Communion: Mass and Communion for those not able to get to Church by Frank L. Hicks Jr. 

Jesus said to Saint Gertrude the Great, in 1290 :

He who communicates [takes the Eucharist] from a pure desire of My glory, as I have said, can never communicate with irreverence.

Knowing that "to observe righteousness, to do mercy, and to have faith, these things God commanded for His own glory." (Catena Aurea, Aquinas). 

Book: Legends of the blessed sacrament : gathered from the history of the church and the lives of the saints by Emily Mary Shapcote

Let saint Mechtilde of the Blessed Sacrament (1614-1698) clarify for us,

Our Lord is incarnated, so to speak, again in all those who receive the Eucharist, so that we keep the Eucharist manifested by our good works, and that we express its virtues in the course of our life. There are endless mysteries in Holy Communion, because, when you have Jesus Christ in your breast, Jesus Christ you possess. We don't change the Eucharist in us,  the Eucharist changes us in Him, and thus by presenting ourselves to His Father clothed with God the Son we can only be very agreeable to Him.

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