About the author
I don't have any religious training, despite having two Canadian university degrees. There are many anti-Christian websites available nowadays. Unwary souls viewing these sites are put in danger because of their deft and subtly incorrect deception to defend their godless beliefs. I must admit, however, that during my lifetime, I am aware of only two people who have had apparitions—one by an angel and the other by a Christian saint. Personally, I was reading and praying a few years ago. When I turned on the TV, an action film was playing. I briefly experienced what a clean spirit would experience, and as I watched someone fire a gun, a strong revulsion overcame me. If a fictional event produced such unfathomable repugnance, I could not even fathom my sins before God. Since then, I've regularly attended church, choosing to sit in the last pew and forego the Eucharist out of concern for upsetting Jesus. After three hours of solitary prayer, however, I was admonished by an exactingly stern, outwardly ominous, but interior voice: "Unless you take the bread, you have no part with me." I'm happy there's still hope. With a stronger faith, I can now review my life and make corrections. I am not a teacher and am by no means a holy person, so what I write is based on books and research, combined with common sense. Do I trust myself? Not at all. You should use this website. These books, which give you a sample of more than 150 religious works, I have already read. I owe Jesus the greatest debt of gratitude for guiding me. Additionally, if you discover that your parish priest is uninterested in your life, choose a new parish. You must be able to discuss your problems and how to begin to resolve them. With the exception of saint literature and priests' confessional instructions, I have not had any human assistance on this voyage.
Given that we both grew up in Buenos Aires, I wrote to Pope Francis in my home language to express my filial gratitude for his ad hoc assistance in personal concerns. Pope Francis is the only living saint I am aware of. The Pope replied and said: "Preserve your purpose of Christian life and continue transmitting the joy of the gospel to those around you; pray for me and for the fruits of my service to the Church," and he heartily imparted the implored Apostolic Blessing to my family. God bless Pope Francis!
I'll continue my reading in silence. If God was willing to give me the strength to read 40 thousand pages and make a coherent website after visiting Israel, let's just say I was a willing participant... inspired by the Holy Spirit in the fight for souls. Later on, I realized that April 3rd was the site's launch date—the day of the crucifixion. I also noticed that the primary picture on the first page was copied to a pornographic website with nude genitalia all around, ouch! The fight is real. Honestly, my mind is blank most of the time, dead wood I say, but my heart is loving in anything related to God, as He is the only one deserving of praise. This site is just a love letter to Him, made by Him as it was revealed in my life, with impeccable timing and wisdom. But the imperfections, which are many, are mine.
With the intention of fostering greater devotion to Our Lady's Seven Sorrows, this website is devoted to Mary. Her Magnificat in the choir below, the most beautiful music when praying her Rosary. Because just around one-third of people on earth are Christians as of right now, they can benefit from her intercession.
Book: Manual of Indulgences
Let's hope by praying to our Father, our Lord Jesus, and Mother Mary. These prayers were made in heaven for our little Josefa!
To our Father,
O most loving Father! God, infinitely good, look upon Your Son Jesus Christ, who placing Himself between Your divine justice and sinners implores Your pardon. O God of Mercy, pity human frailty. Send Your light upon wandering souls that they may not be seduced and entrapped. Strengthen souls that they may avoid the snares laid for them by the enemy of their salvation, and with fresh fervor return once more to the paths of virtue. O Eternal Father, look on the sufferings which Jesus Christ Your divine Son endured in His Passion. Behold Him as a victim offered up to obtain for souls, light and vigor, pardon, and mercy.
To our Lord Jesus,
O sweet and dearly loved Jesus, were You not my Saviour, I should not dare to come to You. Your Heart loves me with the most tender and burning love, as no other Heart can love. How could I correspond this love of Yours for me? Would I had for You, who are my only love, all the ardor of the Seraphim, the purity of the angels and virgins, the holiness of the Blessed who possess You and glorify You in Heaven. Were I able to offer You all this, it would still be too little to honor Your goodness and mercy. That is why I offer You my poor heart such as it is, with all its miseries, its weakness, and good desires. Deign to purify it in the blood of Your Heart, to transform and inflame it Yourself with an ardent and pure love. Thus, the poor creature that I am, who can do no good but is capable of every evil, will love and glorify You as do the Seraphim who in Heaven are consumed with adoring love. Lastly, I ask of You, O gentle Jesus, to give my heart the very sanctity of Your Heart, or rather to plunge it in Your Divine Heart, that in It I may love and serve, and glorify You, and lose myself in You for all eternity. I beg this same grace for all those whom I love. May they render You for me the glory and honor of which my sins have deprived You. O my Beloved, who are also my God, make my heart a flame of pure love for You.
To our Mother Mary,
O tender and loving Mother, most prudent Virgin, Mother of my Redeemer, I come to salute you today with all the love that a child can feel for its mother. Yes, I am indeed your child, and because I am so helpless I will take the fervor of the Heart of your Divine Son; with Him I will salute you as the purest of creatures, for you were framed according to the wishes and desires of the thrice-holy God. Conceived without sin, exempt from all corruption, you were ever faithful to the impulses of grace, and so your soul accumulated such merit that it was raised above all other creatures. Chosen to be the Mother of Jesus Christ, you kept Him as in a most pure sanctuary, and He who came to give life to souls, Himself took life from you, and received nourishment from you. O incomparable Virgin! Immaculate Virgin! Delight of the Blessed Trinity, admiration of all angels and saints, you are the joy of Heaven. Morning Star, Rose blossoming in springtime, Immaculate Lily, tall and graceful Iris, sweet-smelling Violet. Garden enclosed kept for the delight of the King of Heaven ... you are my Mother, Virgin most prudent, Ark most precious containing every virtue! you are my Mother, most powerful Virgin, Virgin clement and faithful! you are my Mother, O Refuge of sinners! I salute you and rejoice at the sight of the gifts bestowed on you by the Almighty, and of the prerogatives with which He has crowned you! Be blessed and praised, Mother of my Redeemer, Mother of poor sinners! Have pity on us and cover us with your motherly protection. I salute you in the name of all men, of all saints and all angels. Would that I could love you with the love and fire of the Seraphim, and this is too little to satisfy my desires ... and to render you filial homage constant and pure for all eternity. O incomparable Virgin, bless me since I am your child. Bless all men! Protect them and pray for them to Him who is almighty and can refuse you nothing. Adieu, tender and sweet Mother; day and night I salute you, in time and for eternity.
Email me at info@marysrosary.com if any questions.
The Bible is a love story from beginning to end. God talks to the soul through music; he creates a physical world through music for the sake of an infinite love for man. Sin is the obstinacy of man; it cannot be fixed by man; only by fully loving God does sin become nothing. His will becomes ours. Our hearts are His. There is nobody who has done more for humankind since its creation, with an infinite tender care for each created person, observing, helping, and disciplining with an inexhaustible love. Nobody deserves our unconditional love and trust more than God. Salvation is not about heaven or hell; it's about where our love is! May God bless His church and all His saints! - [jctruths.com author]